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Scrum is described by Wikpedia as an Agile Development method that focuses on project management where it is difficult to plan ahead. SCRUM employs the use of empirical process control mechanisms in which frequent feedback is the core management technique for the project.

Scrum Roles: There are two categories of roles found in SCRUM. The first category consists of project members who are completely committed to and accountable for the project’s outcome. Roles that fall in this category are the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Development Team. The second category consists of members who are only partially involved with and committed to the project. Roles that fall in this category are Stakeholders and Upper Management.

Scrum Process: Scrum practices are supported by an iterative, incremental process bone structure. This bone structure operates in this manner: at the beginning of an iteration the scrum team review what it needs to do, the team then selects a functionality that they believe they can bring to shippable quality by the end of the iteration. At the end of the iteration, the team then presents the piece of functionality they built to stakeholders and adaptions can be discussed and made.

Scrum Practices and Artifacts: Some concepts associated with Scrum include: Daily Scrum Meetings, Sprint, Sprint Planning Meetings, Sprint Retrospective Meetings, and Sprint Review Meetings. Some artifacts produced during Scrum include: the Product Backlog, Sprint Backlogs, Burndown Charts, and Pert Charts.

Example of usage:

“Because we use Scrum we can easily adapt to situations we could not foresee at the start of the project.”



· Agile Project Management with Scrum by Ken Schwaber
